The Lust-Loss Cycle

Only Losers Care About Morality

Derek McDaniel - Nov 4, 2020

Morality is a notion designed to deal with loss. There are two kinds of losses, the first is competitive loss, and the second is a natural loss. Morality is about how we cope, address, and prevent both kinds of losses.

It is clear economically, that there are win-win and lose-lose scenarios. Morality is designed to prevent lose-lose scenarios, both natural and artificial.

We tell a young child, it's bad to touch a hot stove. Is heat evil? This is the basis for all morality in fact, it's designed to acknowledge when one of the two losses are possible.

If you play to win, and win a lot, and have a high risk tolerance, then you inherently don't care about morality. Winning is winning, and being moral, or complaining about morality, is literally for losers. The thing is, I am loser, I will gladly admit it. If I tried to live with a "win at all costs or bust" mindset, I would quickly fall off the wagon.

The winner mindset, is as long as you are still fighting you can still win. There are no real losses only setbacks. Morality is nothing, the only good is winning, and the only bad is losing.

Natural Winners and Artificial Winners

We could conceivable all take a winners mindset against nature. Human societies tend to either be filtered by natural selection or artificial selection. I personally, would much prefer to lean towards natural selection, although not completely. This is something that is actually within our power to choose to a large degree. We can choose if we will

The Cooperative Mindset

The cooperative mindset is one of working and winning together, that mutual collaboration is the best course.

The problem with the cooperative mindset, is that it is easily exploitable. People can go along with it, and act like they are cooperators, when in reality they are just in it for themselves, and are not invested at all in winning together. More than anything, some people would simply prefer to win alone. It makes them seem more special.

I'm not here to tell you to take a selfish mindset, a solo mindset, a cooperative mindset or anything else. That's up to you. But I will tell you the pros and cons of each.

If you can afford to take the cooperative mindset, it is far and away the best strategy. We like to say that "Life is short", but c'mon people, we aren't mayflies. We live fucking long lives. If you're going to live a long time, being a cooperator works much better.

But the truth is you need to learn to be selfish sometimes. If you learn how to be selfish it will make you a better cooperator when you decide to be.
