There is a well accepted myth in circulation, that investments compete based on a rate of interest. That is completely untrue. All assets compete on price alone, and any "interest rate" simply gets baked into the current price.
With or without interest rates, you have to price shit, which is to attach some subjective and relative worth to an item in comparison with other items. This applies to consumer goods as well as financial entities. For financial entites, the total price of all "shares" is what matters. For governments, this means the total value of all currency and bonds they issue. This isn't fucking complicated people.
Any type of interest or accrual, is about trying to adjust the price over time, but it all affects the current price. I hate using the notion of time preference, because it is frequently abused, but time preference will affect how you weight the current price versus guesses for how the price will change in the future. But that's the truth. All price changes are guesses only.
An asset tends to get traded, when someone else prices it higher than the people who currently hold the asset. Note, that prices can go up and down, without assets changing hands at all, or any trades clearing. Typically trading activity occurs whether or not things change in price much.
As for charging interest, that too, is just part of the price. Charging interest is just the degree of inefficiency in extending "credit"(baking the future value into the present value).